Pipeline Explosion in Kenya kills 75

75 Kenyans died last week due to a pipeline explosion in their neighborhood. Pipelines are popularly and dangerously used in the African communities in efforts to transport oil for production and consumption. It is no secret that the oil companies have no problem exploting the villages of Africa for their own greed. These pipeline are above ground and easily infiltrated.

a section of pipe had burst near the river that cuts through the slum and gasoline was pouring out. Men, women and children grabbed pails, jerry cans, anything they could find to collect the flowing fuel.

Mwangi had planned to get a bucket and join them - he'd done so before with earlier diesel leaks without any problem, he said, and a bucket of fuel could pay a month's rent. "Everybody knows that fuel is gold," the 34-year-old said.

The "importance" of oil to corporations is clear. This goes to show the dangers of the oil industry. It is sad that innocent people lose their lives every day in order to obtain this "black gold". There is a flagrant disregard for the value of human life when it comes to oil. The oil companies are savages when it comes to obtaining this "gold".

Unfortunately, unnecessary situations like this happen everyday. The only alternative to oil, is alternative energy.

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