Within the Next 24 hours ..

  • Nearly 230,000 people will be added to the world population.
    Which puts a strain on the worlds limited natural resources.

  • Approximately 312 miles of tropical rain forest will be bulldozed.
    Forests are the lungs of the earth. They provide us with the oxygen we need to SURVIVE! They also purify the toxins in the atmosphere. Cutting trees down is like chipping away at our lungs. We need those.

  • About 127 square miles of land will turn to desert due to poor farming practices (coughMONSANTOcough), overgrazing, and a warming trend caused by pollutants.
    We need to keep the land healthy in order to remain fed with fruits and vegetables. The livestock industry is a huge culprit here.
  • Copyright | Jones & Bartlett Learning | Environmental Science | Edition 10

    This is happening DAILY! Lets do something about it. BE the change you wish to see in the world. One person cannot do everything. But everyone can do SOMETHING.

    It all comes down to supply and demand. If we do not demand as much, companies will not need to manufacture and supply as much. This means limiting our consumption. Practice minimalism. Shop at thrift stores. Think twice about buying that new iPhone when yours works fine. Do you really need more clothes? Are those new shoes really necessary?