We all know that Wifi is God's gift to man. But at what cost? Does wifi radiation make trees sick? According to studies in the Netherlands, 70 percent of the trees in urban areas (opposed to 10 percent five years ago) have had symptoms such as cracks, bumps, discoloration and tissue damage while the trees in the forest have had little to none of these symptoms. This has also affected trees in the western hemisphere.

To test the theory, researchers exposed 20 ash trees to various radiation sources for a period of three months. The report stated that “trees placed closest to the Wi-Fi radio demonstrated a “lead-like shine” on their leaves that was caused by the dying of the upper and lower epidermis of the leaves. This would eventually result in the death of parts of the leaves.

Read more: Is Wi-Fi Making Trees Sick? | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World


I've been asked numerous times (because I'm obviously an "all things environmental" guru) "Is it safe to eat seafood?". I wrote a blog about it a while back. Remember the sniff test? Well, obviously that didn't work out. Go figure, right? Apparently, the more seafood you eat, the higher the risk you are of being poisoned. Makes since right? Sorry Pescetarians. Maybe this is your cue to go all the way. Vegan!

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) found cancer causing agents from the oil in the Gulf seafood. Obviously, people living in the Gulf are feeling the full force of it all. FDA miscalculated the average amount of seafood citizens eat therefore causing them to downplay the effect seafood from the Gulf will have on those who eat it. I can vouch for this misrepresentation because I eat seafood almost everyday.



photo credit; http://www.guardian.co.uk

NASA has found new life

Before you get excited thinking there is an alien walking around somewhere, there isn't. Or at least not from what we know. What NASA has found is a bacteria made up of arsenic. Creepy? Arsenic is deadly to us. This was thought to be completely impossible until, well, they found it. EVERY living being on planet Earth is made up of these vital components; carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur.

Being that this "being" is alive and made up of arsenic opens the door to possibly discovering life on planet unlike the Earth. But I knew that! Of course every being in the universe doesn't need an "Earth like" environment to survive.


Activists from Greenpeace just dropped a banner from a Kentucky hotel during an EPA hearing for coal ash. Pretty bad ass if you ask me.



Activists from Greenpeace are now hanging from the anchor chain of Chevron's Stena Carron to prevent the ship from sailing out to their drill site. All this is in effort to combat offshore drilling.

Classic example of one of my favorite quotes;
No one can do EVERYTHING. But everyone can do SOMETHING.

I absolutely love the fight in Greenpeace. These people are extremely passionate about protecting the environment and are absolutely willing to put their selves in danger just to do so(obviously). I am utterly proud to be apart of the team.

One day, you'll see me strapped to a tree..one day.


Images from; Greenpeace

BREAKING NEWS: Vermillion Oil Rig 360 Explosion

Vermilion Oil Rig 380 has just exploded with 13 people on board around 9:30 a.m this morning. All 13 people were blasted into the ocean and are currently awaiting help. Only one was found injured.

The Vermillion Oil Rig is owned by Cairn Energy is is located 80 miles off the coast of Louisiana and west of the BP's Deepwater Horizon which also blew up in April.

Stand by for further information.



Congrads Greenpeace for their amazing victory in getting Burger King to drop Sinar Mas! Sinar Mas has been doing some major destruction to the Paradise Rain forest through their palm oil exploration. The world is already running low on our beautiful rainforests! It's only right that we protect the little that we have. After all, who wants to live in a Concrete Jungle?

Bottles are being popped in the Paradise Rain forest.

“Hands off the Arctic, go beyond oil!”

Day 2 @ Greenpeace *happy dance*
I am now interning with Greenpeace

Civil disobedience at its best.

!!Tell Cairn Energy to get out of the Arctic!!
!!Tell Cairn Energy to get out of the Arctic!!
!!Tell Cairn Energy to get out of the Arctic!!
!!Tell Cairn Energy to get out of the Arctic!!

Its no secret that Greenpeace is known for their civil disobedience. So when I found out that Greenpeace activist were hanging from an oil rig in the Arctic demanding Cairn Energy to "pack up and go home", I was more amused than surprised. I love it!

So apparently, the activist had to flee Danish navy commandos to get to the rig where they then suspended their selves into the air using ropes to hang from the rig. They are said to have enough supplies to stay suspended for several days.

If they are able to halt the drilling for just a short time, Cairn Energy will struggle to meet a tight deadline to complete its exploration before winter ice conditions force it to abandon the search for oil off Greenland until next year.

by gp_espy via Twitpic edited by James Greenpeace UK

They are already doing the hard part. Do YOUR part! Which is pretty simple and easy.

!!Tell Cairn Energy to get out of the Arctic!!
!!Tell Cairn Energy to get out of the Arctic!!
!!Tell Cairn Energy to get out of the Arctic!!
!!Tell Cairn Energy to get out of the Arctic!!


I am utterly in love with Parsons. I'm currently in the application process for their environmental studies program. I love how they are able to mix my major in environmental studies with fashion. Students in the Association in Applied Science program were given a project to design clothes leaving zero waste and using sustainable materials for their designs. Here are a few things these brilliant students came up with.

photo credits; treehugger.com


Did your school make the cut?

1. Green Mountain College (Poultney, Vermont)
2. Dickinson College (Carlisle, Pennsylvania)
3. Evergreen State College (Olympia, Washington)
4. University of Washington (Seattle, Washington)
5. Stanford University (Palo Alto, California)
6. University of California, Irvine (Irvine, California)
7. Northland College (Ashland, Wisconsin)
8. Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
9. College of the Atlantic (Bar Harbor, Maine)
10. Hampshire College (Amherst, Massachusetts)
11. University of California, Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz, California)
11. [TIE] Middlebury College (Middlebury, Vermont)
13. University of Colorado, Boulder (Boulder, Colorado)
14. Warren Wilson College (Asheville, North Carolina)
15. University California, San Diego (San Diego, California)
16. University of California, Davis (Davis, California)
16. [TIE] University of Vermont (Burlington, Vermont)
18. University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
19. New York University (New York, New York)
20. Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, Georgia)


This will be my ride of choice. ;-)


"A Weekend Without Oil"
Its a goal to curb 1,000,000 gallons of oil!!


  • Walk or ride your bike: Avoid using cars and if you must, always try to carpool. Transportation accounts for 40 percent of our petroleum consumption and is easily one of the biggest areas we need to improve upon.
  • Enjoy the outdoors: Avoid buying new sporting equipment, since oil makes up nearly 25% of rubber. Footballs or basketballs, for example, can last for many years and used equipment is often just as good and will reduce demand for oil needed to make new rubber.
  • Use reusable bags: Avoid disposable plastic. Plastic bags are a huge waste for very little benefit. Nearly 10 percent of U.S. oil consumption, approximately 2 million barrels a day, is used to make plastic products alone.
  • Be conscious about what you eat that weekend: You can reduce oil demand by changing your diet to eat less meat, more local foods that require less transportation and organic food, which doesn't use petro-based fertilizers.
  • Don't buy new make-up that weekend: The majority of cosmetics are petroleum-based, including lip gloss, face powder, nail polish, and more. So avoid buying new make-up products this weekend and research the brands when you purchase in the future.
  • Drink tap water: Avoid beverages bottled in disposable plastic, they make up nearly 1.5 million tons of plastic waste per year, so get a reusable bottle and fill it up.
  • Make your electronic gadgets last: Avoid buying new electronics. Electronics take a lot of oil to produce and the gadgets you already have can last much longer than the rate at which new ones are released.
  • Go to the movies or stream them on Hulu: Avoid buying new DVDs/Blu-Rays, as oil is a key ingredient in their production, packaging and shipping.
  • Skip buying new clothes that weekend: Swap clothes with friends or check out the local vintage store. The less new clothes you buy the less oil is used in the manufacturing process and transportation.
  • Head to your local library or read online: Avoid using a printer and buying printed material including daily newspapers. Printing doesn't just waste paper, nearly 100,000 gallons of ink each day is used on daily newspapers alone.



UK has a wonderful pay as you throw system. It's like "eureka!". This is an attempt to get consumers to decrease trash while increasing recycling.

Check this out
This is a microchip in their trash cans that weigh's the amount of trash thrown away. Then bins weight the trash and the microchip shows where the trash came from. So when the garbage collectors come, they then charge the residents by the amount weighed. Don't like it? RECYCLE!!

And yes, this IS in America also. Some Maine communities are also practicing this "pay as you throw" system. I personally believe this should be a world wide effort.

"Pay as you throw" will obviously lessen the amount of re-usable trash being sent to the landfill. Most states landfills are so full that they are having to pay other states to except their trash. Even some parts of Canada has to pay the US to accept their trash.

In Maine, residents have cut their trash to 50% from the PAYT and the town's recycling rate grew to 150% in one month! With this, the town saves money and ultimately, the tax payers also.


The "sniff" test.

I told you in a previous post about how they are checking seafood for oil. To refresh your memory, basically all they do is sniff for oil.

But have no fear, environmentalists are here!!

Prominent environmental groups are calling for better testing. The Natural Resource Defense Council has sent letter to the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) asking them to;
  • Ensure that there is comprehensive monitoring of seafood contamination.
  • Ensure public disclosure of all seafood monitoring data and methods.
  • Ensure that fishery re-opening criteria protect the most vulnerable populations, including children, pregnant women and subsistence fishing communities.

What would you do without us? =)


When you think about it; its not about saving the environment per se. The planet will always be here. The environment will eventually renew itself, millions of years later.

Its more-so about saving us from ourselves. After all, we need the environment. The environment doesn't need us.

When we pollute and destroy the environment, all we are doing is essentially hurting ourselves.
  • We pollute the water that we need to drink in order to survive.
  • We pollute the air that we need to survive.
  • We destroy the land that we need to grow our food.
Amongst other things.

So eventually, people will destroy their selves as an effect to destroying the environment to the point of it being non-livable for us. Then the planet can efficiently renew itself. When the virus(people) is gone.

Or we can start now. Help better the environment. Lower our impact on the environment. Stop while we are ahead. It's going to take the most but it's worth it.

Wake up world.

Food for thought


“What happens in the film is what is happening here,” said Chief Arara of the Brazilian Arara tribe

I knew it! I knew the movie Avatar was an environmental movie. It was all about loving and respecting your planet or who they called, their mother. We call our environment "Mother Nature". They were extremely attached to their planet as they should be.

"The reason I made the film is to connect people back to the wonders of nature which we've lost with technology. Nature fights back - as we see, it melts ice," said Cameron

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
When I saw the "spirits" floating through the air, I immediately thought of huge dandelions.
That .. or jelly fish.

The Na'vi didn't destroy anything on their Earth. They were even biologically connected to the Earth. They called every creature/animal their brothers and sisters. That is how in tune they were with their planet. How awesome is that?

Their world, Pandora, looked like an untouched Amazon.

They even called Earth a "dying planet". Trueness!

Even More ..
The director James Cameron is following up this movie with an environmental campaign, The Hometree Initiative which has already planted 1 million trees !!*cheers*

"We don't need some new machine that sucks up CO2 and puts it in the earth. We already have one. It's called a tree," said Cameron, on Earth Day

James Cameron's Avatar was inspired by his visit to the Amazon of Brazil. He now has made it his personal mission to save this beautiful forest from destruction. The Brazilian government has plans to build the huge Belo Monte dam which would flood 100 square miles of the Amazon and dry up 60 miles of the Xingu River.

“The snake kills by squeezing very slowly. This is how the civilized world slowly, slowly pushes into the forest and takes away the world that used to be,” Cameron expressed to more than 70 indigenous people.


“An iceberg four times the size of Manhattan has broken off Greenland, creating plenty of room for global warming deniers to start their own country,” Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.)

Take that! Take that!


Many have speculated that global warming is a myth, a farce, a hoax. Of course, I am hear to tell you that that is complete bologna! The fact is, there is scientific fact that global warming is completely true and is most certainly happening right now.

The report said that "Global average surface and lower-troposphere temperatures during the last three decades have been progressively warmer than all earlier decades, and the 2000s (2000-09) was the warmest decade in the instrumental record." The troposphere is the lowest layer of the atmosphere.

The fact is, the Earth's temperature has been warming for the past 50 years. Every year, for the past 50 years, the avg world temperature has risen. Global warming studies are coming from 300 scientists from 48 different countries studying 10 crucial climate indicators..

Seven of the indicators were rising, including air temperature over land, sea-surface temperature, sea level, ocean heat and humidity. Three indicators were declining, including Arctic sea ice, glaciers and spring snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere.

What would be the point in lying about global warming anyway? The proof is in the pudding! No one is making money off of global warming. All we are doing is calling for alternative energy besides from dirty coal and gas which causes complete environmental devastation.


Recently, the Senate had the opportunity to fight climate change and help protect the environment. Unfortunately, they let this moment pass them by, by choosing not to vote for a climate bill and instead, putting it on the back burner.

Here is a list of our leaders who voted against climate legislation
This list is from No Impact Man

Senators who were die-hard opposed to climate bill
  • Lamar Alexander (R, TN)
  • John Barrasso (R, WY)
  • Robert F Bennett (R, UT)
  • Christopher S. Bond (R, MO)
  • Sam Brownback (R, KS)
  • Jim Bunning (R, KY)
  • Richard Burr ( R, NC)
  • Saxby Chambliss (R, GA)
  • Tom Coburn (R, OK)
  • Thad Cochran (R, MS)
  • Bob Corker (R, TN)
  • John Cornyn (R, TX)
  • Mike Crapo (R, ID)
  • Jim DeMint (R, SC)
  • John Ensign (R, NV)
  • Michael B Enzi (R, WY)
  • Chuck Grassley (R, IA)
  • Orrin G Hatch (R, UT)
  • Kay Bailey Hutchison (R, TX)
  • James M Inhofe (R, OK)
  • Johnny Isakson (R, GA)
  • Mike Johanns (R, NE)
  • Jon Kyl (R, AZ)
  • John McCain (R, AZ)
  • Mitch McConnell (R, KY)
  • James E Risch (R, ID)
  • Pat Roberts (R, KS)
  • Jeff Sessions (R, AL)
  • Richard C Shelby (R, AL)
  • John Thune (R, SD)
  • David Vitter (R, LA)
  • Roger F Wicker (R, MS)
Senators who spoke out publicly against, but weren't die-hard opposition
  • Evan Bayh (D, IN)
  • Scott P Brown (R, MA)
  • Carte Goodwin (D, WV)
  • Judd Gregg (R, NH)
  • Blanche Lincoln (D, AR)
  • Richard G Lugar (R, IN)
  • Ben Nelson (D, NE)
  • Lisa Murkowski (R, AK)
  • John D Rockefeller (D, WV)
  • George V Voinovich (R, OH)
  • Jim Webb (D, VA)
Swings (senators lacking the courage to publicly declare support of the bill)
  • Susan M Collins (R, ME)
  • Kent Conrad (D, ND)
  • Byron L Dorgan (D, ND)
  • Lindsey Graham (R, SC)
  • Mary L Landrieu (D, LA)
  • Claire McCaskill (D, MO)
  • George S LeMieux (R, FL)
  • Mark L Pryor (D, AR)
  • Olympia J Snowe ( R, ME)

America is supposed to be a democracy. Let your leaders hear you frustration! Let them know that we NEED a strong climate bill that will protect our environment and ultimately protect us. They are OUR voices. They don't know how you feel unless you TELL THEM!

  • PLEASE TELL YOUR SENATORS TO PROTECT THE CLEAN AIR ACT! - Our last hope in overcoming global warming. The republicans in Congress are trying to take away EPA's power to regulate pollution. DONT LET THIS HAPPEN! ACT NOW!
Future generations need us. Think about your children and your children's children. What kind of environment will they have? Will they be able to play in the beach? Will they have plentiful safe water? Will they be able to enjoy the sun and not burn from it??

PLEASE. Do it for them.


*points and laughs*

BP has just endured a record $17 BILLION loss in profits and is expected to spend at least $32 BILLION in cleaning up the Gulf. BPs share price dropped 40%. Not to mention, the previous CEO in office at the time of this oil spill as stepped down.

"As expected, BP reported the worst figures in U.K. corporate history," said ETX Capital trader Manoj Ladwa. "Despite the company going through significant management and structural change, the future still remains uncertain for the oil giant and BP in a year's time could be significantly different from the company today."

Peace out Tony Hayward!

No worries thought. Don't feel bad for the polluter. Under his contract, he'll have one year's salary, worth $1.62 million and a pension totaling $17.1 million to fall back on. *rolls eyes*

"The Gulf of Mexico explosion was a terrible tragedy for which -- as the man in charge of BP when it happened -- I will always feel a deep responsibility, regardless of where blame is ultimately found to lie," Hayward said Tuesday.

This is sooooo not a good time to invest in the oil industry.

*sticks out tongue*


I just had a flutter of joy in my heart when I read about this civil disobedience in London. This is exactly what it's going to take to get things done obviously since the government refuses to transition to a clean energy economy. Everyday citizens, like YOU and I, will need to put our foot down and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! If we want change, WE obviously have to make it happen ourselves. We clearly cannot rely on our "leaders" anymore.

GREENPEACE UK shut down 30 BP gas stations across London this morning. They put up banners reading, "Closed: Moving beyond petroleum". They also pull safety switches cutting off fuel supplies and removed them so that they couldn't be turned back on at the stations.

British environmentalist are a bit more gutsy than us American environmentalist. But I would have been SO down!

Oh yeah, and I just recieved an offer to intern with GREENPEACE for the fall. *fist pump*

image courtesy of; greenpeace.org


Money does not buy you happiness intelligence.

David Koch really believes that global warming is good for you. *slap* Is this a joke? He's probably just scared that Koch Industries' pollution will be regulated by the government. He says,

“The Earth will be able to support enormously more people because a far greater land area will be available to produce food,” he says. Lengthened growing seasons in the northern hemisphere, he says, will make up for any trauma caused by the slow migration of people away from disappearing coastlines.

This is coming from New York's second richest man. Did he ever, just once, ever crack open a book and read up on the scientific facts?

Hmm, lets check out those facts Koch missed
  • The fact that agriculture will decline being that the land will be literally COOKED.
  • I guess the fact that thousands of people will become climate change refugees after loosing their land.
  • The fact that our coastlines will dissappear with the rising sea levels.
  • The fact that his home, New York will be underwater.
  • The ocean will turn acidic.
  • The fact that half the world’s inhabited area will become uninhabitable being that it is TOO HOT for humans to survive.
  • Oh and the fact that we all WILL DIE from these effects!
  • Disease-causing and warm love insects will migrate to warming countries. ie; mosquitoes carrying malaria.

.. To name a few. So yeah, you really put your foot in your mouth with that one KOCH!


Tuesday, emergency teams were sent out to an oil well off the coast of New Orleans after a new Gulf oil leak was reported. Apparently, a boat called Captain Buford driven by Pere Ana C. crashed into the oil well.

U.S. authorities have down played reports of a giant fountain of oil.

"There is some vapor emanating and we have an overhead picture that shows probably a combination of gas and water vapor and so forth coming to the surface plus a light sheen," said U.S. spill chief Thad Allen.


"They sent us here to listen to their voices, they sent us here to represent their interests, not our own."
- Obama

Great. Now get to work!


Michigan has just declared a state of emergency with what is being claimed to be the largest oil spill in Midwest history by U.S. Rep. Mark Schauer. The pipeline has already leaked 840,000 gallons already into the Kalamazoo River. This began Monday morning with when a pipeline owned by Enbridge Liquids Pipelines sprung a leak in Marshall Township. This pipeline is the largest transporter of oil from western Canada. Calhoun County area is devastated.

Luckily, the pipeline has been shut down but the damage is already done. Officials are haulting all water activities fearing that the water is contaminated, which is likely so. Strong odors and oil-soaked wildlife are already being reported by local residents. Skimmers and booms, tools used in the Gulf oil spill, were deployed Tuesday to contain the spill.

Enbridge Energy which is a subsidiary of Calgary, Canada based Enbridge Inc. is being held responsible for the devastation. Enbridge Energy President, Terrance McGill, has sworn to "do all it can to minimize the spill's impact on communities". I sense Tony Hayward's twin.

"The horrific pictures coming in of the oil spill in Calhoun County area underscore just how imperative it is for Michigan to move toward clean, safe energy sources like wind and solar instead of relying on outdated fuels like oil," Clean Water Action Michigan Director Cyndi Roper

How ironic is it that Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich was on the fence about the climate bill that was recently proposed then put on the back burner. Now his state is suffering from an oil spill in which this bill would have included regulations for. Sen. Carl Levin had this to say about the oil spill.

“It's not going to show up right now, but over time there is a real possibility that it will leach into the water supply,” Rutherford said. “I think it’s inevitable that, with as much as has leaked, that it will get into the water supply.”

This further more goes to show our dire need to weign ourselves off of our oil addicition and move to clean energy such as wind power and solar power. OIL WILL ONLY BRING US DOWN and there are HUNDREDS OF OIL SPILL every day that never catches the media's attention. Oil will be our downfall and the cause of our demise. It may sound over emphasized now but later on down the road if we do not stop this addiction, we will feel the burn. Literally

photos courtesy of; http://www.longislandpress.com

Senate beats around the bush...again

Cross-post from 1sky.org

The Senate has once again stalled on climate this summer by officially dropping a comprehensive climate bill from July legislation. In other words, a climate bill will not be passed this summer as we hoped. Big Oil, Dirty Coal and their friends in Congress have again blocked any progress towards a solution to our dependence on dirty energy and our worsening climate. This only goes to show the huge and disturbing influence Big Oil and Dirty Coal has on Congress. This is unacceptable, even more so now that we are in the middle of the worst oil spill in our history and our ever rising temperatures proving global warming is a clear and present danger. However, Congress is either blind to the fact or simply looks the other way.

Since the dropping of the bill, there has been an abundance of finger pointing. The Democrats blame the Republicans for not voting for their bill, the Republicans blame the Democrats for being such a fractured caucus, and the White House blames climate and environmental groups like ours for not lobbying Congress effectively. Come again?

'They didn't deliver a single Republican,' the official told POLITICO. 'They spent like $100 million and they weren't able to get a single Republican convert on the bill.'”

Is this official forgetting that dirty energy lobbyists routinely outspend green groups by several hundred millions dollars? In response to the Senate's newest failure, our very own campaign director, Gillian Caldwell, said it best:

Recent reports that the Senate will not consider comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation before August are a testament to the outrageous influence of Big Oil and Dirty Coal and their allies in Congress.

Senate inaction couldn't come at a worst time. According to the National Research Council, the choices that we make now about the climate will not only effect the next few decades but in coming centuries and millenniums also. The global temperature is only getting hotter while nine country broke all-time temperature records "making 2010 the year with the most national extreme heat records". The NOAA recently reported that June is the fourth month in a row with record global temperatures. We cannot afford to constantly delay a solution any longer. It is past time for Senate and the Obama Administration to break our dependence on dirty energy. We cannot get this done if the fossil fuels industry continues to have a stronghold on our political system. We must keep the pressure on the Senate!

While America, a country said to be the "leader of the free world", continues to have a hand in world pollution and stalls on halting the problem, China, once again, takes the cake. While half of our Congress see's a cap-and-trade system as taboo to our economy, China actually takes the initiative and pursues it. During 2011-2015, China will be working steadily to meet its 2020 carbon intensity target.

"The consensus that a domestic carbon-trading scheme is essential was reached, but a debate is still ongoing among experts and industries regarding what approach should be adopted," the source said.

In other words, they're not debating on "if" they should pursue it but "how" they should pursue it. And check this out; because China is a "developing country", they do not even have "legally binding responsibilities", set by the United Nations, to reduce their carbon emissions. Even more, China's top 1,000 energy consuming companies have signed contracts to improve their energy efficiency. However, it's only right for China to make large steps in combating carbon being that, according to the International Energy Agency, they are the world's top energy consumer.

How ironic is it that underdeveloped countries are taking the initiative by reducing their emissions: Six developing countries have pledged to cut emissions by as much as 40% while some have committed to full carbon neutrality. Underdeveloped countries could fairly claim that they have done little to nothing to contribute to the cause of climate change. And they obviously don't plan to start.

On a brighter note, more than half of the new electricity capacity from the U.S. last year was from renewable power. Last year was a record year for the abundance of renewable energy being added. Hopefully, at this rate, renewable energy could possibly put dirty energy out of business?

BP Oil Spill Update

Last week, I expressed my joy over the temporarily "successful" cap on the oil rig which stopped the oil from spewing for a while. However, I assumed that there was a possible leak since the pressure of the oil from the cap was significantly low, which indicated a leakage elsewhere. My assumptions were right. Small leaks have been found coming from four areas near the oil well even though the new cap is in place. BP is once again claiming innocence from the seepage saying that the leak is a "natural" leak and is not linked to their well. BP's next steps are said to be shooting drilling mud into the blowout preventer in an attempt to "kill the well" according to BP senior executive Kent Wells. Hey, where is our buddy Tony Hayward? On another yacht race perhaps.

Obama finally exercised his presidential power and signed the Inter-agency Ocean Task Force into an executive order on Monday. This calls for a new national policy to protect and restore our oceans, coasts and lakes.

[T]his order establishes a national policy to ensure the protection, maintenance, and restoration of the health of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems and resources, enhance the sustainability of ocean and coastal economies, preserve our maritime heritage, support sustainable uses and access, provide for adaptive management to enhance our understanding of and capacity to respond to climate change and ocean acidification, and coordinate with our national security and foreign policy interests.

During an experiment, water taken from the Gulf literally exploded inside of a test tube. Obviously the use of dispersant mixed with the mess of an oil spill BP has made is literally explosive. Not to mention deadly.

Naman thinks the reaction was caused by the presence of methane gas or Corexit, the dispersant that BP has been using in the Gulf.

Stay tuned for more actions from 1Sky next week around the Senate's climate bill punt. Stay cool!


I wrote a post about this not too long ago. This reminds me of a Roland Emmerich movie. How freaky are these?? Imagine driving and the ground beneath you just caving in randomly. Or your home being sunk beneath the Earth. Creepy. Mother Nature plays NO games.




Tampa Florida



A plane that runs strictly off of solar power, or energy from the sun, has recently made its first successful 24 hr flight. At night, it uses its solar energy stored during the day. In 2011, Solar Impulse plans to have ocean crossing flights. Then, it will undertake a round the world flight in 2013.

“I have just flown more than 26 hours without using a drop of fuel and without causing any pollution!”

I feel so old right now and I just turned 21. This is the plane of the future. Something that we should have been using but we are just now building. It's like when the first plane was mad back in North Carolina with the Wright brothers.

And of course, I can't forget about the Japanese and their futuristic environmental equipment! The first solar powered spacecraft is in orbit right now which was launced by the Japanese space agency JAXA.

Ok. You when JAPAN. Geeeez

I'm trying to tell you. INVEST IN CLEAN ENERGY and anything having to do with the environment. MAJOR IN environmental studies, science or engineering. Its the way of the future. GET IN!!


According to NOAA officals, the likelyhood of the oil spill hitting Miami is 80% being that the loop current is moving east. It's highly likely that the oil will touch the coasts of the Florida Keys, Miami and Fort Lauderdale.

"OH NO! ANY BEACH BUT MIAMI BEACH!" -says the people.

(>_<) <---- this is my *angry face* at you! Is this really what it's going to take for people to actually start speaking up about the oil spill? For people to actually start caring about the oil spill? Does it really have to hit a popular beach for you to take notice? That's sad. Not cool people. Not cool at all. =(


Congress: You've Got Oil On Your Hands

I bet you're wondering, "What the heck is the government doing about this oil spill?" because in all actuality, its just as much of the government's fault as it is BP. If the government would have enforced more strict regulations for offshore drilling never opened up off shore drilling in the first place, this probably would not have happened. But you know how that goes. Shoulda, coulda, woulda .. but they didn't.

So for now, congress is trying to get a comprehensive climate/energy bill passed to "protect" the climate. However, none (but about 2 or 3) of the Republicans are down with protecting the environment. The smart senators realize that in order to stop pollution, there has to be a cap on carbon which will make polluters pay.

cap on carbon: putting a limit on the amount of pollution going into the air and if this limit is surpassed, the polluter will be taxed.

This is the logical way to stop pollution right? Not according to Republicans. They would rather polluters be bribed to stop polluting instead of making them pay. *rolls eyes*

Therefore, there are not enough votes to have such a bill passed with a cap on carbon. So now that the bill has come down to mainly focusing on cleaning up power-plants which account for a third of US emissions, of course we now start to hear the whining. The utility companies are trying to "pull the scam of the decade" by asking to be exempt from EPA's new Clean Air Act regulations. These new regulations will be much stricter than the weak bill the Senate is trying to put together, and they know this. So the power plants have seemingly "compromised" as to support this bill if only they are exempt from the new regulations which will definitely force them to clean up their act.

Ironically, environmentalists do not support this new climate bill because of this secret underlying fact. In all actuality, something is worse than nothing.

This bill has been stripped bare of its potential. Why am I NOT surprised?

Click here && here.
Don't be lazy. Just do it.

And also,

See how your Senator is likely to vote.



Whoever is in charge of BP's image is either dumb or just doesn't care at all. One would think BP would try to keep a low profile since the Gulf Oil Spill, but no. Since then, CEO Tony Hayward has went on a yacht vacation and now, BP has lobbied the release of a convicted criminal for oil purposes.

Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi is from oil rich Libya. He was convicted of the bombing of Pan Am Flight on Dec. 21, 1988 killing 259 people on board and 11 on the ground. He only served 8 years of a 27-year after the Scottish government released him on compassionate grounds because of his prostate cancer. When did the prison system grow a heart?

So BP felt that by having a hand in this man's release, they could negotiate doing business together in the oil industry. As if Libya would thank them for bringing home their hero.

This has got to be a joke. What is going on with the world today? What's next BP? Are you going to befriend Al-Queda?


  • E-waste represents 2% of the trash in U.S. landfills, but equals 70% of overall toxic waste.
  • 25 million tv's are thrown away each year. Three times the height of the empire state building.
  • If you stacked all of the cell phones in the landfills, you could build a bridge to the moon
  • It takes over a million yrs for a CD to decompose
  • E-waste grows five times faster than the world's population.
  • Around 80% of America's e-waste is exported to Asia.
  • If you took the 2 billion batteries tossed yearly, you could make a battery to stick long enough to turn on your sp3 from the middle of the Earth!
  • Seven years worth of empty printer cartridges is enough to build a life-size replica of the Battlestar Galactica.
  • Computers deteriorate so slowly that are on the list of "Things that will survive the Apocalyspe" along with cockroaches!

Do you have e-waste you need to get rid of? DON'T YOU DARE THROW IT AWAY! RECYCLE !! Go to gcycle.org to find out how.
THEY WILL PAY FOR SHIPPING all you have to do is go their site and print off the printing label.


In the human history, our world has had 275 parts per million of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere. Scientist believe that we should not go over 350 parts per million of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. However, we now have 392 parts per million of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. 350.org does a great job explaining.

This is all due to human practices. In other words, it's all OUR fault. THIS has led us to global warming.

THIS 391 parts per million of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere says to us that we have a high concentration of greenhouse gases trapped in our atmosphere. THIS means that heat from the sun is coming into our planet, but it is not coming out. You remember how when you were a kid and you would put a magnifying glass over a ant and watch them suffer and burn? Well, yeh, payback is a b@&$%. So essentially, we are becoming that ant.

What pollution?
ENERGY! Energy we use from oil and coal. Power plants. Cars. The world has become so "industrialized" that our every move contributes pollution to our dying planet.

People have gotten along for centuries, decades, millenniums without causing so much harm to this planet. Ancient people were much more in touch with this planet. We Others on the other hand, could care less.

How can we make this better?
Stop using dirty energy such as coal and oil. Use alternative/natural energy from the sun, wind and water.
Why don't we? BIG OIL = BIG MONEY. The oil/coal companies have a monopoly on this energy business. They know that we need energy to keep our industrialized world running. They are not willing to switch over to solar or wind energy. I'm not a business major but i don't know how you could profit off of the sun and the wind. They probably have a hard time figuring that out also. So they are not ready to take that step. It's the 2000's now. We need to come out of the 1900's.


What can you do for now?
  • Cut off all electricity when you leave a room.
  • Put your car in neutral when you are stalling, like at a red light.
  • Turn your car off completely if you know you'll be waiting more than 2 minutes.
  • Unplug unused appliances. (Energy is still being used even if the the appliance isn't because the plug still collects energy from the wall source.)
  • CONSERVE! less is more.


credits; www.civilianism.com
sm 7PG 4



I've got you. This is the best explanation thus far.


How could you BP .. How could you?

Evil Shell

If you do your research, all gas stations have done their dirt on destroying the environment and crushing basic human rights. However, in my opinion, Royal Dutch Shell plc Gas Station in my opinion is a little worst than BP.

Shell has managed to kill everything beautiful in Nigeria. Including the people. They have NO regard for basic human rights and they could care less about the environment. They has soaked the land dry to the point where it can not even be used anymore. They have taken land from people who have inhibited on it for generations. And they have managed to remove anyone in their way. Their pipes are ancient and they have frequent spills.

Nigerians have so much hate for Shell, that they secretly bust their pipelines our of hate every chance they get.

Shell, you suck. I hate you

Children on Shell's oil station in Nigeria.

*angry face*


photo; http://www.npr.org/


BOOM! Thank YOU President Barack Obama!!

Obama recently awarded a booming $2 billion to solar plants to jump start this ENVIRONMENTAL REVOLUTION. This is so needed in order to transition to a clean energy economy. Crude oil is not only harmful to the environment and to our health, but it's also running out. So our best bet is ween ourselves off of this deadly addiction of ours.

WE are undoubtedly living in the environmental age. Our actions and our decisions will inevitably effect generations to come. They already have to live with oil in their oceans and beaches *angry face*. This is a pivotal point in history. Obama has the oppritunity to make history RIGHT NOW in our life time. He can do what no President has done before which is to breath life back into our dying planet which is so crucial right now. He has the power to say, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!".

This is a revolution. Believe it or not. An environmental revolution. All we have is now before it is way too late.
He can stop offshore drilling.
He can stop the production of crude oil.
He can make way for alternative energy such as wind and solar.
He can even take all the old pollutant emission cars off the road, and replace them with hybrids.

BUT HE NEEDS HELP. We live in a democracy. Republicans are being assholes right now in congress if you didn't know. They are so money hungry, they could care less about the environment. They are doing everything that they can to put their best interests first and to block democrats attempts at cleaning up the climate.

BUT YOU CAN HELP! Tell your Senator to vote FOR a comprehensive climate bill THAT INCLUDES A CAP ON CARBON! Obama is all for it. Republicans just need a kick in the kaboos!


Obama, you're my hero.


I wonder,

If Obama never lifted the moratorium on offshore oil drilling, would the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico have occurred?

So honestly, is the oil spill essentially Obama's fault?

hmm ..


What mother in her right mind would let her child play in oil on the beach? The child even becomes frantic when she finds oil on her feet.

This really brings my spirits down. I wish this could just end already.

OIL SPILL UPDATE: Pensacola Beach, Florida June 23

"Did you ever stop to notice, the crying Earth .. the bleeding shores?"
Micheal Jackson - Earth Song

Photos courtesy ofTampa Bay Blog