We all know that Wifi is God's gift to man. But at what cost? Does wifi radiation make trees sick? According to studies in the Netherlands, 70 percent of the trees in urban areas (opposed to 10 percent five years ago) have had symptoms such as cracks, bumps, discoloration and tissue damage while the trees in the forest have had little to none of these symptoms. This has also affected trees in the western hemisphere.

To test the theory, researchers exposed 20 ash trees to various radiation sources for a period of three months. The report stated that “trees placed closest to the Wi-Fi radio demonstrated a “lead-like shine” on their leaves that was caused by the dying of the upper and lower epidermis of the leaves. This would eventually result in the death of parts of the leaves.

Read more: Is Wi-Fi Making Trees Sick? | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World


I've been asked numerous times (because I'm obviously an "all things environmental" guru) "Is it safe to eat seafood?". I wrote a blog about it a while back. Remember the sniff test? Well, obviously that didn't work out. Go figure, right? Apparently, the more seafood you eat, the higher the risk you are of being poisoned. Makes since right? Sorry Pescetarians. Maybe this is your cue to go all the way. Vegan!

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) found cancer causing agents from the oil in the Gulf seafood. Obviously, people living in the Gulf are feeling the full force of it all. FDA miscalculated the average amount of seafood citizens eat therefore causing them to downplay the effect seafood from the Gulf will have on those who eat it. I can vouch for this misrepresentation because I eat seafood almost everyday.



photo credit; http://www.guardian.co.uk

NASA has found new life

Before you get excited thinking there is an alien walking around somewhere, there isn't. Or at least not from what we know. What NASA has found is a bacteria made up of arsenic. Creepy? Arsenic is deadly to us. This was thought to be completely impossible until, well, they found it. EVERY living being on planet Earth is made up of these vital components; carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur.

Being that this "being" is alive and made up of arsenic opens the door to possibly discovering life on planet unlike the Earth. But I knew that! Of course every being in the universe doesn't need an "Earth like" environment to survive.