Environmental Tip of the Day
When buying products such as toilet paper and regular writing paper, make sure that it is made with "post-consumer recycled fiber".
Post Consumer means that the product was made with recycled materials. The higher the percentage of recycled fiber, the better. The U.S. alone is responsible for the chopping of 1 million trees.
environmental tip of the day
Adding More Land to NYC
In an ambitious move to expand the downtown economic powerhouse, adding more land to Manhattan is proposed by the Center for Urban Real Estate also known as CURE. Manhattan is a highly populated area housing the Financial District and Midtown. The plan is to connect Lower Manhattan to Governor's Island with a land bridge made from landfill. This would make add 88 million square feet to Manhattan and would also house office buildings, stores and restaurants. "Lower Lower Manhattan" could possibly generate $16.7 billion in revenue over the next 20-30 years! As crazy as it may seem, adding artificial land is nothing new to NYC being that 10% of the borough is already made up of landfill located at Manhattans southern tip.
Lo Lo has already been dubbed the new name for the new land of Lower Lower Manhattan. Catchy much? Soho, Noho..
However, do not get too excited. This plan is only an idea and for now, is not going to happen. It is being argued that the money put towards this creation could be used for other much needed projects.
photo credit; NY Times
Environmental Tip of the Day
Bring your laptop to class.
By bringing your laptop to class, you are limiting your paper usage from taking notes. Think of all the notes that are taken during class. Tons of notebooks are being used for taking down notes. Instead, use notepad, microsoft word or any other program you have on your computer to take notes in class. This way you will always have your notes with you and you will not have to scramble for your notes. You can even organize your notes better on the computer than on paper and keep them forever with less clutter.
By bringing your laptop to class, you are limiting your paper usage from taking notes. Think of all the notes that are taken during class. Tons of notebooks are being used for taking down notes. Instead, use notepad, microsoft word or any other program you have on your computer to take notes in class. This way you will always have your notes with you and you will not have to scramble for your notes. You can even organize your notes better on the computer than on paper and keep them forever with less clutter.
environmental tip of the day
Environmental tip of the day;
Try eating a more vegetarian diet.
Vegetarians leave less of a carbon footprint than meat eaters. Forests are suffering from deforestion due to the trees being cleared for livestock grazing. Farms used to house the animals are not only slaughter houses but also horrible on the environment. Try to include more fruits and vegetables into your diet.
Think of it this way-the more beef we eat, the more forests we lose.
Vegetarians leave less of a carbon footprint than meat eaters. Forests are suffering from deforestion due to the trees being cleared for livestock grazing. Farms used to house the animals are not only slaughter houses but also horrible on the environment. Try to include more fruits and vegetables into your diet.
Think of it this way-the more beef we eat, the more forests we lose.
environmental tip of the day
Environmental Tip of the Day
Stop recieving junk mail.
Always opt for the "Green Choice" when signing up for services such as your cell phone bill and bank statements. Instead, sign up to have your bill/statments emailed to you. That way there will be less paper used and less gas used for actually shipping them to you.
Also, some stores are starting to email reciepts such as Urban Outfitters. Having your reciept email to you is definitely more convienient being that you wont have worry about losing the reciept.
According to DoNotMail.org, it takes 100 million trees to produce the junk mail delivered every year to U.S. mailboxes, including the roughly 800 pieces that arrive in your mailbox, if yours is a typical household.
If you register for the Mail Preference Service on the Direct Marketing Association, your name and address will be removed from mailing lists within 90 days.
You can also opt out of home phone book delievery if you do not need it (which most of us does not). Try usings Yellow Pages Goes Green.
Always opt for the "Green Choice" when signing up for services such as your cell phone bill and bank statements. Instead, sign up to have your bill/statments emailed to you. That way there will be less paper used and less gas used for actually shipping them to you.
Also, some stores are starting to email reciepts such as Urban Outfitters. Having your reciept email to you is definitely more convienient being that you wont have worry about losing the reciept.
According to DoNotMail.org, it takes 100 million trees to produce the junk mail delivered every year to U.S. mailboxes, including the roughly 800 pieces that arrive in your mailbox, if yours is a typical household.
If you register for the Mail Preference Service on the Direct Marketing Association, your name and address will be removed from mailing lists within 90 days.
You can also opt out of home phone book delievery if you do not need it (which most of us does not). Try usings Yellow Pages Goes Green.
environmental tip of the day
Did You Know?
Toilet paper in the U.S. alone is responsible for the chopping of 1 million trees.
did you know,
Environmental Tip of the Day
Drink shade-grown coffee!
Coffee lovers! Be environmentally aware of what you are drinking and the effects that it has on the environment. Be sure to drink shade-grown coffee.
What is shade-grown coffee?
Shade-grown coffee are grown on plantations which preserve the native rain forests rather than open fields that have been cleared of all native trees.
Here are a couple shade-grown coffee sellers:
Arbor Day Foundation coffee
Audubon Shade Grown Coffee
Birds & Beans
Coffee lovers! Be environmentally aware of what you are drinking and the effects that it has on the environment. Be sure to drink shade-grown coffee.
What is shade-grown coffee?
Shade-grown coffee are grown on plantations which preserve the native rain forests rather than open fields that have been cleared of all native trees.
Here are a couple shade-grown coffee sellers:
Arbor Day Foundation coffee
Audubon Shade Grown Coffee
Birds & Beans
environmental tip of the day
Hey you!
Yes, you!
Put that prehistoric incandescent light bulb back on the shelf!
After all, they'll be banned here in the US pretty soon. Some countries have already beat us to it;
* Ireland by early 2009
* Australia by 2010
* Argentina by 2010
* Italy by 2010
* France announced by 2010 but no further details
* UK by 2011 via voluntary retailer agreements
* Netherlands by 2011 voluntarily
* Canada by 2012
* US by 2014
* China in 2017
* Cuba providing free CFLs
* Venezuela providing free CFLs
* Brazil subsidises CFLs
* Russia has begun a marketplace initiative
* Belgium announced a ban but no further details
* Japan considering ban
* New Zealand considering ban
Yes, you!
Put that prehistoric incandescent light bulb back on the shelf!
After all, they'll be banned here in the US pretty soon. Some countries have already beat us to it;
* Ireland by early 2009
* Australia by 2010
* Argentina by 2010
* Italy by 2010
* France announced by 2010 but no further details
* UK by 2011 via voluntary retailer agreements
* Netherlands by 2011 voluntarily
* Canada by 2012
* US by 2014
* China in 2017
* Cuba providing free CFLs
* Venezuela providing free CFLs
* Brazil subsidises CFLs
* Russia has begun a marketplace initiative
* Belgium announced a ban but no further details
* Japan considering ban
* New Zealand considering ban

light bulbs
Environmental Tip of the Day
Plant a tree!
Planting trees provide many benefits for the environment and home. Trees absorb CO2 emissions which are pollutants we put into the air. This function helps to combat greenhouse gases/global warming.
Not only are trees good for the environment but they are also good for your home. Planting trees in your yard can keep your home cool in the hot summer days which reduces your energy bill. Trees also increase the property value of a home as well.
You can buy tree seeds online. Also, Home Depot sells trees that you can actually plant without the seeds.
Planting trees provide many benefits for the environment and home. Trees absorb CO2 emissions which are pollutants we put into the air. This function helps to combat greenhouse gases/global warming.
Not only are trees good for the environment but they are also good for your home. Planting trees in your yard can keep your home cool in the hot summer days which reduces your energy bill. Trees also increase the property value of a home as well.
You can buy tree seeds online. Also, Home Depot sells trees that you can actually plant without the seeds.
environmental tip of the day,
Happy Earth Day!
Here is a suggestion. Why not get out and have a pic-nic/cook out today? Enjoy the beauty of the environment. You could even RSVP to local picnics going on for Earth Day today. Or you could host your own picnic.
GREEN your picnic;
Choose a local park. This way you can save on gas and lessen the amount of emissions we put into the air daily. Walk, run or bike to your local part for great exercise as well.
Use recyclable material. Stay away from paper. No paper plates or cups.Do not insult the trees. Instead, reuse the containers already in the home. Glass is a bit better than using plastic.
Eat healthy! The lower the food is on the food chain, the more eco-friendly it is. So incorporate as much fruits and vegetables into your picnic as you can. For today, try a vegetarian diet or even a pescetarian diet which consists of seafood. It literally takes up to 634 gallons of water to make a hamburger. So let’s give it a break today.
Do not forget to clean up your site. Keep your park beautiful. Recycle and compost your unwanted items at the park.
Make this a habit! Summer is on the way which is a perfect time to enjoy nature.
Cant make it out? Try these tips.
GREEN your picnic;
Choose a local park. This way you can save on gas and lessen the amount of emissions we put into the air daily. Walk, run or bike to your local part for great exercise as well.
Use recyclable material. Stay away from paper. No paper plates or cups.
Eat healthy! The lower the food is on the food chain, the more eco-friendly it is. So incorporate as much fruits and vegetables into your picnic as you can. For today, try a vegetarian diet or even a pescetarian diet which consists of seafood. It literally takes up to 634 gallons of water to make a hamburger. So let’s give it a break today.
Do not forget to clean up your site. Keep your park beautiful. Recycle and compost your unwanted items at the park.
Make this a habit! Summer is on the way which is a perfect time to enjoy nature.
Cant make it out? Try these tips.
And I want to know, what are your plans??? Don't know? Here are a couple suggestions for you!
First off, pledge an act of GREEN!
- Go paperless at work. Distribute company information and post company material online.
- BRING YOU LAPTOP TO CLASS instead of taking notes on regular paper. Take notes on your computer instead.
- Save energy by washing your laundry in COLD water.
- PURCHASE A WATER FILTER opposed to numerous water bottles. In the long run, you save HUNDREDS of dollars.
- Lessen waste by buying in bulk from Cosco, Sams and the like.
- Start a compost in your back yard or on your rooftop.
- Buy foods locally at your local Farmers Market. Only buy vegetables and fruits that are in season.
- Shop eco-friendly products. Whole Foods has the best!
- Reduce your impact of the Earth. Reuse products such as containers and bottles. RECYCLE of course!!
- Use eco-friendly transportation such as carpooling, ride your bike and/or use public transportation.
- Turn off lights and electronics when you leave the room.
- Unplug your cell phone charger from the wall when not using it.
- Turn off energy strips and surge protectors when not in use (especially overnight).
- Walk, jog, or run
- Bring your own bags to the grocery store. When given a choice between plastic and paper, opt for paper.
- Purchase cloth diapers! Find out how here.
- Buy fuel efficient or hybrid cars.
- Recycle. If you’re not at home, take the extra steps, (literally), to find that recycling can.
- Limit the length of your showers. Challenge yourself to take 10 minute showers if only for a day. Go a step further and take a “navy shower,” shutting off the water while soaping up and shampooing.
- Don’t run the water when brushing your teeth, washing dishes or hands. My BIGGEST pet peeve.
- Recycle your technology. Dell, Hewlett Packard, Apple, and IBM, among others, offer recycling programs.
- Protect your local watershed.
- Stop purchasing ancient regular batteries. Instead, purchase rechargeable batteries. Save money in the long run as well.
- Use desk lamps instead of overhead lights.
- Turn off computers at the end of the day or if they will not be used heavily.
- Invest in a reusable mug, cup or bottle.
- Park and turn off your car, instead of letting it idle
- When driving, slow down and make sure your car's tires are properly inflated.
- Don't use the toilet as a trash can.
- Use a microwave instead of a conventional oven.
- Open blinds instead of flipping the light switch.
- Open windows instead of using the air conditioner.
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.
- Donate old clothes, electronics and furniture.
- Get rid of paper waste by switching to e-billing.
- Eat less beef and more fruits and vegetables.
- Going hiking. Take a trash bag and help pick up litter.
And remember! You don't only have to do these things on EARTH DAY! This should be an everyday year round thing. Make a habit of it :)
Don't forget to check out the official website for EARTH DAY 2010!
earth day,
earth day 2010,
NBA Green Week
If you know me, you know that I am a die hard basketball fanatic. Therefore, I was excited to learn that the NBA promoted a Green Week! The NBA teamed up with the Natural Resources Defense Council to promote environmental initiatives. Teams from all across the organization invested time in "going green" and to promote green living. All 30 NBA teams wore adidas Revolution 30 uniforms which were made from 60 percent recycled materials. Several teams also encouraged fans with incentives to take public transportation to and from the games. Also, three NBA teams installed solar panels on their arenas, garages, or practice facilities.The NBA continues to take steps in becoming more environmentally conscious and spreading the awareness to the community. My two favorite things coming together? Sounds like a match made in environmental heaven!
“The NBA’s commitment to reduce its ecological impact and to help educate basketball fans worldwide about the importance of environmental protection confirms why this league is regarded as one of the world’s most responsible sports organizations,” said NRDC Senior Scientist Allen Hershkowitz, who coordinated the organization’s development of this work. “Besides the tangible public health benefits that this initiative will advance, having the NBA embrace ecological criteria in its operations represents a watershed in our nation’s movement toward environmental progress.”
Here are what some of the NBA teams are doing to "go green";
- Chicago Bulls encouraged fans to join the United Center's recycling program to support the Ronald McDonald House.
- Cleveland Cavaliers teamed up with Soles4Soles to collect and recycle old shoes.
- Dallas Mavericks hosted their 4th Annual Dallas Mavericks E-Cycling Drive where the team encouraged fans to recycle their old or unwanted electronics for free.
- Golden State Warriors
- hosted their Green Mob BART Giveaway to promote eco-friendly transportation options in the Bay Area and to encourage their fans to take eco-friendly public transportation.
- The practice facility has more than 500 solar panels on its roof.
- New Orleans Hornets staff spent a day planting trees at the Wetlands Project.
- Phoenix Suns teamed up on a solar-energy project which switched on 966 solar panels on the roof of US Airways Center parking garage.
- Portland Trail Blazers unveiled 10 electric vehicle charging stations making it the region's largest publicly available electric vehicle charging site.
- New Jersey Nets!!
- Hosted several in-arena Green Nights.
- Became the first NBA team to go carbon neutral. They are the only major pro sports team to earn the industry’s most rigorous CarbonNeutral® Accreditation. The Nets are purchasing guaranteed and verified carbon credits which supports renewable energy projects around the world.
- Also plans to lower their carbon footprint by focusing on improving energy efficiency, recycling rates, water efficiency, indoor environmental quality and establishing green policies for the materials the Nets use on a regular basis.
and the winner is..
Also, five NBA team arenas have received Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification by the U.S. Green Building Council including;
- Philips Arena (Atlanta Hawks)
- AmericanAirlines Arena (Miami Heat)
- Rose Garden Arena (Portland Trail Blazers)
- Received Gold certification.
- Toyota Center (Houston Rockets)
- Eeceived Silver certification.
- Amway Center (Orlando Magic)
- Received Gold certification.
- The first NBA facility to earn LEED new construction certification from the U.S. Green Building Council.
The Green Sports Alliance is a non-profit organization with a mission to reduce the environmental impact of professional sports and to inspire fans to join in these efforts. The founding members of the Alliance include the Cleveland Cavaliers, Philadelphia 76ers, Portland Trail Blazers, Seattle Storm(WNBA), Toronto Raptors and the NBA league office.
green week,
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