Think Twice Before You Toss That!

We should also think twice before we buy that. There is a beauty in the reduce, reuse, recycle motto. Reduce your consumption of materials. Reuse it if you do buy it. Recycle it if you don't have any other use for it. I like to turn my glass jars into planters for my variety of plants life I have at home.

Check out the lifespan of the basic materials we use and buy everyday;

Glass: 1 million year!
Plastic beverage bottles: 450-1000 years
Plastic bag: 500 years to forever!
Disposable diapers: 250-500 years
Aluminum can: 200-500 years
Styrofoam cup: 500 years to forever! (Meaning, it essentially does not biodegrade.)
Tin can: 50-100 years
Leather: 50 years
Nylon fabric: 30-40 years

This should give you a sense of how long your "trash" will live in that landfill it will go to. Our landfills are already over capacity so, let be more conscious of what we buy. Try reusing them when the initial use is done.

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