BP CEO's Absurd Excuse For Sick Workers

Food poisoning? Seriously? Day by day we see how ridiculous BP is and the disregaurd for not only the environment but THEIR WORKERS! The clean up crews are getting sick from the massive amounts of crude oil they are being exposed to but BP just simply disregaurds the problem and write it off as FOOD POISONING! Really, BP? I shouldn't be surprised because this is the SAME company claiming that the oil spill leakage was only minimal when in actuallity, it's millions of gallons leaking.

*rolls eyes*

Did they neglect to realize that people are comparing this oil spill to the Exxon Valdez oil spill where workers are STILL to this day struggling with health issues over cleaning up Exxon's oil spill.

What's the problem?? No admission of guilt? They don't want to add endangering people to destroying the environment? Well, then so be it. I hope EVERY worker plans on a sueing the crap out of BP.

I've been thinking about going down to the Gulf myself. Maybe i'll get sick too and hit the lottery? Yo BP, share the wealth of you millions of dollars profits!

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