Busboys & Poets

Hello beautiful people!

I'm in DC! I HAVE TO tell you about this new place my friend took me to called BUSBOYS AND POETS off of U-Street in DC.


What sparked my interest while reading the menu was the fact that they are extremely environmentally friendly. If you remember, I did a post about the clubbing of seals as a sport in Canada. Well, they are strongly against it and also mentions it in their menu! AMAZING It basically made me super happy. They even have a mini library! (You know i'm a dork. its ok!)
All of their food is environmentally friendly AND vegan friendly. If you're ever in the DC area, CHECK THEM OUT!

Super chill atmosphere. Open mic. YOU'LL LOVE IT. Trust. Just vibe.

Peace & Love

1 comment:

  1. this place has been here since 2005... not new at all. if you like Busboys, check out Marvin or Eatonville the next time you're in DC.
