“What happens in the film is what is happening here,” said Chief Arara of the Brazilian Arara tribe
I knew it! I knew the movie Avatar was an environmental movie. It was all about loving and respecting your planet or who they called, their mother. We call our environment "Mother Nature". They were extremely attached to their planet as they should be.
"The reason I made the film is to connect people back to the wonders of nature which we've lost with technology. Nature fights back - as we see, it melts ice," said Cameron
When I saw the "spirits" floating through the air, I immediately thought of huge dandelions.
That .. or jelly fish.
The Na'vi didn't destroy anything on their Earth. They were even biologically connected to the Earth. They called every creature/animal their brothers and sisters. That is how in tune they were with their planet. How awesome is that?
Their world, Pandora, looked like an untouched Amazon.
They even called Earth a "dying planet". Trueness!
Even More ..
The director James Cameron is following up this movie with an environmental campaign, The Hometree Initiative which has already planted 1 million trees !!*cheers*
"We don't need some new machine that sucks up CO2 and puts it in the earth. We already have one. It's called a tree," said Cameron, on Earth Day
James Cameron's Avatar was inspired by his visit to the Amazon of Brazil. He now has made it his personal mission to save this beautiful forest from destruction. The Brazilian government has plans to build the huge Belo Monte dam which would flood 100 square miles of the Amazon and dry up 60 miles of the Xingu River.
“The snake kills by squeezing very slowly. This is how the civilized world slowly, slowly pushes into the forest and takes away the world that used to be,” Cameron expressed to more than 70 indigenous people.
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