How to Cut Heat Costs this Winter!

  • TURN THE HEAT DOWN Turn your heat off or lower your thermostat while you're asleep, at work or just simply leaving the house for awhile. Wear extra warm pajamas and grab and extra blanket!

  • LET THE SUN SHINE IN ! Open curtains on south-facing windows to let sunlight in during the day. Then close them at night to help retain heat.

  • BODY HEAT Groups of people generate a significant amount of heat so, if you are having guests over, turn down your thermostat a notch or two. They wont even notice!

  • CHANGE THOSE FILTERS Do not be lazy and ignore those "change filter" messages on your thermostat. Dirty filters make your heating inefficient which makes them work harder and uses more energy. Also, they can make you sick with allergens!

  • RUN FANS IN REVERSE Did you know that by changing the direction of the fan to counterclockwise will push warm arm into circulation as opposed to cold air?

  • TURN DOWN THE WATER HEATER You can lower energy costs 6 to 10 percent by lowering the temperature to 120 degrees, instead of the standard of 140 which is too high anyway.

Hope this helps!

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