photo credit; www.peopletowels.com
Paper towels are one of the most inefficient throw aways we have. You literally use them one time and throw them away. That does the environment NO favors. They only end up in our over compacity landfills.
They also contribute to deforestation which is destrimental to our environment. Four billion trees are cut down each year to make paper. We need the trees to breathe being that they provide us with oxygen. The more trees we cut down, the less clean air will be provide as the trees filter out this essential air.
Here are the facts;
- To make one ton of paper towels, 17 trees are cut down and 20,000 gallons of water are consumed.
- Every day, over 3,000 tons of paper towel waste is produced in the US alone.
- Decomposing paper towels produce methane gas, a leading cause of global warming.
- Paper was the largest contributor to municipal landfill waste in 2006.
- The average person uses 2,400 – 3,000 paper towels at work.
The United States consumes 30 percent of the world’s paper each year. Of the 741 pounds of paper used by the average American each year, close to 55 pounds is tissue paper (which includes paper towels, napkins, facial tissue, and toilet tissue). Even with recycling programs, a little more than one-third of the trash going into landfills is paper products. Paper towels are not recycled.

If environmental convervation is not convincing enough, how about saving money? Lets break it down (logically speaking);
If the average family spent $10 a month on paper towels, that would add up to $120 a year spent on paper towels that will only be thrown away after one use. You're literally throwing away money.
OR You can run to the Dollar Store and grab about 5 3pcks of cloth napkins and spend only $3 which will last FOREVER.
I know it is convienent but convience can be the root of environmental destruction. If you truly want to lessen your carbon footprint on the earth and conserve our resources, please try this. It may take some getting use to but it helps. Every bit helps.
If you are not part of the solution, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM
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