So apparently Kevin Costner has a solution to the oil spill. He and his scientist brother have been working on 32 oil and water separator for for the past 15 years. The largest of the machines can separate 200 gallons of oil from water in one single minute with the water being 99% free of oil. The machine then stores the oil into a tank.

"We legislated lifeboats and first aid kits. It seems logical that as long as the oil industry profits from the sea, they have the legal obligation to protect it, except when they find themselves fighting for life and limb."

Really BP? I'm going to need for you to pick you face up from off of the ground. Did an ACTOR really just give somewhat of a solution to this catastrophic problem that YOU created? Why didn't one of BP's engineers think of this? This isn't even Kevin Costner's profession but he has an answer that is better than anything BP is doing. Lets take a look;

So far BP has
1) Tried to stuff junk filled with trash and hair into the blowout in order to "stomp it up".
2) Place a cap over the blowout to capture water.
3) Barricade beaches so that the oil would not reach the surface.

THANK YOU, KEVIN COSTNER. So far, you are the only logical thinking party in this oil spill disaster. Kevin Costner also invested $20million of his OWN money in efforts to battle the oil spill.

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