Obama recently awarded a booming $2 billion to solar plants to jump start this ENVIRONMENTAL REVOLUTION. This is so needed in order to transition to a clean energy economy. Crude oil is not only harmful to the environment and to our health, but it's also running out. So our best bet is ween ourselves off of this deadly addiction of ours.
WE are undoubtedly living in the environmental age. Our actions and our decisions will inevitably effect generations to come. They already have to live with oil in their oceans and beaches *angry face*. This is a pivotal point in history. Obama has the oppritunity to make history RIGHT NOW in our life time. He can do what no President has done before which is to breath life back into our dying planet which is so crucial right now. He has the power to say, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!".
This is a revolution. Believe it or not. An environmental revolution. All we have is now before it is way too late.
He can stop offshore drilling.
He can stop the production of crude oil.
He can make way for alternative energy such as wind and solar.
He can even take all the old pollutant emission cars off the road, and replace them with hybrids.
BUT HE NEEDS HELP. We live in a democracy. Republicans are being assholes right now in congress if you didn't know. They are so money hungry, they could care less about the environment. They are doing everything that they can to put their best interests first and to block democrats attempts at cleaning up the climate.
BUT YOU CAN HELP! Tell your Senator to vote FOR a comprehensive climate bill THAT INCLUDES A CAP ON CARBON! Obama is all for it. Republicans just need a kick in the kaboos!
Obama, you're my hero.
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