Michigan has just declared a state of emergency with what is being claimed to be the largest oil spill in Midwest history by U.S. Rep. Mark Schauer. The pipeline has already leaked 840,000 gallons already into the Kalamazoo River. This began Monday morning with when a pipeline owned by Enbridge Liquids Pipelines sprung a leak in Marshall Township. This pipeline is the largest transporter of oil from western Canada. Calhoun County area is devastated.

Luckily, the pipeline has been shut down but the damage is already done. Officials are haulting all water activities fearing that the water is contaminated, which is likely so. Strong odors and oil-soaked wildlife are already being reported by local residents. Skimmers and booms, tools used in the Gulf oil spill, were deployed Tuesday to contain the spill.

Enbridge Energy which is a subsidiary of Calgary, Canada based Enbridge Inc. is being held responsible for the devastation. Enbridge Energy President, Terrance McGill, has sworn to "do all it can to minimize the spill's impact on communities". I sense Tony Hayward's twin.

"The horrific pictures coming in of the oil spill in Calhoun County area underscore just how imperative it is for Michigan to move toward clean, safe energy sources like wind and solar instead of relying on outdated fuels like oil," Clean Water Action Michigan Director Cyndi Roper

How ironic is it that Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich was on the fence about the climate bill that was recently proposed then put on the back burner. Now his state is suffering from an oil spill in which this bill would have included regulations for. Sen. Carl Levin had this to say about the oil spill.

“It's not going to show up right now, but over time there is a real possibility that it will leach into the water supply,” Rutherford said. “I think it’s inevitable that, with as much as has leaked, that it will get into the water supply.”

This further more goes to show our dire need to weign ourselves off of our oil addicition and move to clean energy such as wind power and solar power. OIL WILL ONLY BRING US DOWN and there are HUNDREDS OF OIL SPILL every day that never catches the media's attention. Oil will be our downfall and the cause of our demise. It may sound over emphasized now but later on down the road if we do not stop this addiction, we will feel the burn. Literally

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